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Foundation Jean-François Peterbroeck

About us

For a flourishing youth
around the world

The JFP Foundation actively supports the development of sustainable actions for the education and well-being of children and young people in difficult circumstances.

& mission

Our vision is of a world of solidarity where young people are fulfilled and actors of an inclusive society.

Our mission is to accompany these young people in the development of their full potential.


Solidarity is one of the pillars of the JFP Foundation. It invites us to share a common human condition, a common aspiration to become better. To be real and true, it requires effort...
and commitment!


The JFP Foundation is committed to promoting the dignity of all people, especially children, and enforcing their human rights.

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The JFP Foundation considers diversity to be a major asset and, with this in mind, it prioritises respect for differences as a condition for its action.


The JFP Foundation believes that building a better world requires that everyone has the means to express themselves, to be heard and to evolve. Benevolence seems to us to be an essential means to achieve this.
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Our approach

Notre soutien à l’enfance et à la jeunesse se base sur une approche holistique permettant à chacun de grandir dans un environnement sécurisé, positif, sans discrimination de egnre, d’ethnicité, de nationalité et/ou de religion.

C’est pourquoi la Fondation FJP collabore avec des organisations qui apportent une aide concrète sur le terrain tout en favorisant le bien-être et l’épanouissement des enfants et des jeunes bénéficiaires. Ensemble, nous fixons des objectifs durables et atteignables qui ont un impact social significatif.

Our 3 areas of action

Discover actions Self Confidence


La FJFP promeut le bien-être de l’enfance et de la jeunesse. Les organisations et missions soutenues par la Fondation se concentrent sur la revalorisation de l’estime et de la confiance en soi des enfants et des jeunes.
Discover actions Occupational integration


La FJFP soutient des projets qui visent l’autonomisation financière des jeunes et renforcent leur capacité d’insertion sur le marché du travail.
Discover actions Education & Training

& Training

La FJFP soutient des organisations et des projets qui ont pour but d’améliorer l’accès à une éducation de qualité, holistique, qui promeut l’épanouissement des enfants et des jeunes concernés.
Discover all our actions

Where do we operate?

& Activity Report

All these elements can be found in our Strategy 2021-2025, approved by the Board of Directors on 24 November 2021. Please contact us if you wish to receive our detailed annual report.
À propos

How can you support
our projects?

Support the projects that are close to your heart by making a donation, leaving a legacy or becoming a patron of the Foundation.

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