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Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Making disability work

Employment support and advice for people with disabilities

2014 à 2019
Bruxelles, Belgium


In Belgium, disability concerns about 15% of the working age population. However, there are many obstacles to the employment of people with disabilities: lack of knowledge about disability leading to prejudice and discrimination, a social system that does not encourage people with disabilities at work, little accessibility, etc. However, 91% of employers of disabled people say they are satisfied with their collaboration and the impact of a successful professional integration is indisputable.

DiversiCom was created to offer an answer to this challenge.


i. Disabled job seekers who are able to work in ordinary companies;

ii. Companies wishing to recruit an individual with a disability for his or her skills.


Avec, au centre de son intervention, la COMPETENCE de la personne handicapée, DiversiCom se donne pour mission de promouvoir la diversité dans le milieu du travail ordinaire et de faciliter la mise à l’emploi de celle-ci.

A cet effet, elle propose les activités suivantes : accompagnement du chercheur d’emploi handicapé ; conseil à l’entreprise, aux différentes étapes d’un processus de recrutement ; création de liens entre les chercheurs d’emploi et les entreprises ; communication et le partage de bonnes pratiques, facteurs d’évolution des comportements.

Il fait particulièrement sens, pour la Fondation, d’apporter son soutien à ce projet, et ce au vu des complémentarités existant entre les actions de DiversiCom et celles de l’Ecole des 4 vents.



The Foundation’s support in 2014 participated in the launch of DiversiCom (purchase of equipment, communication, etc.) and has since enabled it to cover costs including staff and operating costs, representation costs, etc.
The results achieved since 2014:
– 218 job seekers supported;
– 25 operational partnerships;
– 65 companies advised;
– 119 employment contracts / professional projects facilitated.



After graduating with a Bachelor's degree in marketing, I started looking for a job with enthusiasm. This was no easy task, especially since many companies were reluctant to hire a person with a disability. DiversiCom not only succeeded in helping me, but also help companies overcome this threshold, by making them understand that a person with a disability is above all a person.
Their coaching promotes a realistic picture of the strengths and abilities of each person. This approach has not only facilitated the connection with my current employer, but has also created an environment where I am valued for my abilities and skills.
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OD _ General Manager Ajusto

Ajusto is an online home services platform. Like any start-up, our team is growing fast and it is not easy to find rapidly new profiles. With DiversiCom, we have found a new complementary channel to access people with a disability who are looking for a job. The first experience proved to be both enriching and beneficial for the team. The Jobday organised by DiversiCom enabled me to meet Canissain, a young man who was very motivated to join us and had a great marketing experience. We worked to integrate him as well as possible, taking into account his chronic illness and its consequences. He has an adapted schedule and everyone in the team knows the basic rules for reacting in a crisis. The fact that Canissain has learned to manage his illness is also the reason why he performs well in his job - he is attentive to his condition, forward-looking and shows particular sensitivity in his management of Ajusto's clients.
After a successful trial, his contract has just been extended.
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