The Province of Kasai Oriental has long been marginalised, with its population considered to be the opposition. 75% of the population lives on less than $0.20 per day and life expectancy is 42 years. Medical services are inadequate and expensive, and schools cover less than 50% of the demand. In the city, less than 20% of the population has access to clean water and electricity.
Abandoned and street children are plentiful and their numbers are growing. Deprived of all protection and education, and subject to all forms of discrimination and exploitation, these children and young adults have no future other than that of delinquency. Many suffer disastrous consequences, including stigmatisation as “child witches”, drug trafficking, exploitation in diamond mines, prostitution, imprisonment, etc.
Street children in a situation of extreme vulnerability.
Most of them are orphans or suffer from an illness such as epilepsy and malnutrition. Others are twins or are albinos and are accused of witchcraft, abandoned on the streets, called “snakes” or “terrorists”.
L’appui de la Fondation JFP permettra d’assurer les biens de première nécessité aux enfants de la Maison Ecole : alimentation, habillement, produits d’hygiène, frais médicaux, approvisionnement en eau, matériel scolaire.
In 2016-2017-2018, 240 children and young adults from the Maison Ecole Don Bosco Mbuji Mayi, and 120 semi-resident children and young adults were regularly supported with food, health care, hygiene products and school tools that enabled them to study and prepare their social reintegration.
In addition, the Foundation allowed the purchase of an X-ray machine and a microscope (+accessories and reagents) allowing a significant improvement in the care provided to the children and marginalized families of the city of Mbuji Mayi.
Zowel nationaal als internationaal willen we jongeren de best mogelijke toekomstkansen bieden.
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- # Zelfvertrouwen
Burgerschapsjaar om te bouwen en gebouwd te worden
- # Onderwijs & opleiding
REMA Ziekenhuis & St Michael Paramedical School
- # Onderwijs & opleiding
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