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Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Support for young adults in Brussels

2012 à 2018
Bruxelles, Belgium


Young adults in cities are different from those in the countryside as they do not share the same roots. Some behaviours differ including the hold of authority over them. There is an alarming trend that urban children and adolescents are perceived as a nuisance and are often held responsible for many problems.
Habbekrats wants to empower these young adults through dialogue, action and research, while offering them a space adapted to their needs. The organisation hopes to make the city more youth-friendly and to make young people actors in public life.

The project is located at the Grand Place in Brussels. At the heart of Brussels (and of Europe), it is a meeting point of cultures and a reflection of a large population, including young adults.


Young adults aged between 8 and 21 years old, in situations of social risk.
Most are marginalised, disadvantaged and homeless who, due to certain circumstances, find themselves in hopeless situations.


SURPLAS est un lieu où, en se plaçant au niveau des jeunes, il leur est accordé du temps, de l’écoute et de la compréhension. S’y développe un cadre chaleureux, où l’enfant est accueilli, se sent « comme à la maison » et où sont organisés différentes activités, un accompagnement aux devoirs, des sensibilisations sur la santé, l’alimentation, l’hygiène, le soin de soi, etc.

Habbekrats croit au coté positif de chaque enfant, en dépit de son origine ou de son passé. Toutes les activités sont basées sur ce principe. Toute la philosophie de Habbekrats est par ailleurs axée sur une combinaison de valeurs (respect, égalité, solidarité et justice), de cordialité (les accompagnateurs se présentent toujours comme des amis prévenant et accompagnant au mieux des parcours de vie souvent difficiles) et de vérité comme garante de l’authenticité.


The “Cerf Volant” building hosting the project on the Grand Place in Brussels, was rehabilitated into a welcoming home for the SURPLAS project. Since March 2014, approximately 40 children and young adults have been welcomed every day, where they receive support, extracurricular help, recreational and cultural activities, etc. During the school holidays, they are welcomed at a “holiday camp” at La Roche in the Ardennes, where they are offered a wide range of activities.
The Foundation funded some activities and the salary of a project leader.
The Foundation also supported the “L’ILO”, a new Habbekrats hostel in the Galerie de la Reine in Brussels.


Zowel nationaal als internationaal willen we jongeren de best mogelijke toekomstkansen bieden.
Wij ondersteunen projecten door concrete acties op het terrein met onze partnerorganisaties.

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