Prevention and reduction of violence in the lives of war-affected children in Jordan and Lebanon
Children affected by armed conflict, as survivors, witnesses or perpetrators of violence, often suffer from various psychosocial consequences such as depression, stress, trauma, anxiety, rage, frustration, aggression and feelings of disconnection. Refugee children thus face a wide range of emotional, cognitive, physical, behavioural and social problems.
Increased family tensions, domestic violence and child abuse, combined with the difficulty for children to express emotional difficulties to their already overburdened parents, undermine family support.
There is therefore a critical need for innovative, scalable and effective methods to provide relief and empowerment to these children, and to prevent the long-term consequences of conflict on their lives.

– 14,000 vulnerable, at-risk or potentially at-risk Iraqi and Syrian refugee children and their host communities;
– 300 teachers, caregivers and social workers;
– 3,000 parents, family and community members.
400 of the most at-risk children will receive training in deep trauma relief, human values and empowerment. In addition, Syrian, Lebanese and Jordanian children will receive basic training in resilience and stress reduction tools. Among them, specially trained youth ‘peace ambassadors’ will design and implement awareness-raising and peace-building projects to prevent and reduce violence in families, schools and communities.
Stress management and coping tools will be provided to families, caregivers, community members, teachers, social workers, youth etc. to enable them to ensure a supportive and safe environment for children.
The project is funded by the European Union and the support of the JFP Foundation constitutes the required co-funding, which allows a real leverage to the financial support provided.
The project based in Jordan ended in June 2018. The results are the following:
– 8,211 children participated in trainings leading to stress reduction and resilience building
– 196 children received intensive training on trauma relief, healing, resilience and human values
– 1,326 community members & 300 social workers participated in healing, resilience and empowerment trainings to best support the children.
The impact evaluation shows a significant reduction in stress, depression and anxiety among all participants.
The project continued in Lebanon until the end of December 2019.
A 9th grader from Beddawi
An 8th grader from Beddawi
When I opened my eyes, I felt reassured and safe as if I was reborn in a new world.
When I opened my hands, I felt that the feelings which have been inhibiting my self-confidence and my courage have left my body… and when I got rid of them [negative feelings], I regained self-confidence and I felt the courage and determination filling my entire body.
Our actions
- # Occupationalintegration
The social farm
- # SelfConfidence
Citizenship year to build and be built

- # eductationettraining
Best Future for youngs of Da Costa

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