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Foundation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Helping refugee children from the Middle East

Summer camps

2015 till 2021
Beyrouth, Lebanon


Since the Lebanese war in 1975, the suburbs of Beirut have become increasingly overcrowded, hosting many refugee families mainly from Syria and Iraq. These refugee families are increasingly vulnerable as the family income is often insufficient to meet basic family needs.

Moreover, since early 2020, Lebanon has been experiencing an unprecedented social, economic and political crisis. It is estimated that more than 80% of the Lebanese population is now living below the poverty line, with no concrete prospect of improvement to date.


Iraqi and Syrian refugee children in Beirut, as well as displaced Lebanese children.


The project made it possible to :
– promote openness and facilitate the integration of refugees into the local population
– provide training in reconciliation and peace for all these children of different nationalities
– improve the children’s level of education, while opening them up to other artistic and sporting activities, etc
– improve the English level of the teenagers and their parents
– organise summer camps for the children.
Between 2015 and 2018, more than 200 children aged 8 to 16 from refugee and/or vulnerable families benefited from the support ; 87 young adults have been able to attend English classes.
More than 200 children benefited from the summer camps in 2020 and 2021.


Sr H. _ coordinatrice

“Pour les enfants qui ont participé aux activités d'été (du 22 Juin - fin août), ce fut un temps de joie exceptionnelle. Confinés déjà depuis mars, ces deux mois d'été ont permis aux jeunes enfants de se réunir de nouveau, de participer à des activités très variées, et surtout de pouvoir partager petit déjeuner, repas et goûter pendant 5 jours de la semaine pendant presque deux mois. Suite aux crises multipliées que le Liban a vécu tout au long de l'année 2020 (depuis Octobre 2019), la majorité de ces enfants sont issus de familles dont les parents ont perdu leur travail, d'autres qui travaillent sans salaires, mais tous subissent la cherté de vie suite à la faillite de la livre libanaise par rapport au dollars.
Au nom de toutes ces familles qui ont bénéficié du programme d'été, voyant la joie sur les visages de leurs enfants qui n'ont pas voulu arrêter le programme fin août, nous vous disons MERCI !”
Read the full testimony

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Whether on a national or international level, we want to offer young people the best possible opportunities for the future. We support projects through concrete action on the ground thanks to our partner organisations
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