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nothing is possible!
163 fabulous partners

- Central African Republic
- #eductationettraining
Mission Catholique Bossemptélé
Education & Health
The Catholic Mission of Bossemptélé is run by the Fathers of the Order of the Servants of the Sick (Camillians), and the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa of Turin. These two communities work in three sectors: the Parish, the School and the Hospital.
The primary school “Sainte Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus” in Bossemptélé has been created and administered by the Carmelite Sisters of Sainte Thérèse de Turin since 1991.

- Belgium
- #SelfConfidence
Wajnbrosse Productions
Audacity, humour, inventiveness, originality and memory
Founded in 1983 by Marc-Henri Wajnberg, Wajnbrosse Productions produces and distributes short and feature films, documentaries, TV series, as well as 360° VR productions. It has won more than 70 international awards.

- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- #eductationettraining
- #SelfConfidence
Soutenir les ENfants Sourds d’Idjwi – SENSI
“We ask only one thing: that our natural language, sign language, is not sacrificed to articulated language”
SENSI is a Congolese non-profit organisation whose social purpose is to promote access to schooling for hearing-impaired children on the island of Idjwi in the DRC and to provide them with medical, psychological, vocational training and social support.

- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- #eductationettraining
CPS – Kangu
Centre for Health Promotion
The CPS – Kangu is a Congolese NGO created on 7 September 1966 on the initiative of Dr Jacques Courtejoie, a former expert at the World Health Organisation (WHO). Its works are widely distributed and known throughout the Congo (and beyond).

- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- #eductationettraining
- #Occupationalintegration
Empowering people made vulnerable by poverty
ACADEC (Association Congolaise d’Appui au Développement Communautaire) is a Congolese organisation created in 2009 and active in the fight against food shortages, the promotion of access to health care and schooling.

- Mali
Médecins du Monde
Doctors of the World
Médecins du Monde is an international medical development NGO that is part of an international network.
It aims for universal health coverage where everyone has access to health care, without barriers (financial, cultural, geographical, etc.).

- Mali
- #eductationettraining
Caritas Mali
Participating in the integral and harmonious development of the human person
CARITAS MALI includes the whole social dimension of the Church. This association is an organisation of the Catholic Church, placed under the responsibility of the Episcopal Conference of Mali (CEM).

- Mali
- #eductationettraining
Les 2 côtés BE-ML
Improving education in Mali
Belgian humanitarian association created in 2008 whose objective is to improve education in Mali, mainly the schooling of primary school children and their well-being within the school.

- Mali
- #Occupationalintegration
- #SelfConfidence
Microfinance and Development Support Centre
Created in 2002, CAMIDE has always worked to put its savings and credit activities at the service of the development of the areas where the people it serves live. Its vision can be summed up in the following terms: “We aspire to a common prosperity through a community and harmonious self-management of our economic (things and money), social (people) and environmental (nature) resources.

- Madagascar
- #SelfConfidence
Foyer Sainte Famille
Fostering orphaned and abandoned children
Association under Malagasy law created on 31 July 1992.
The objective of the Foyer is to communicate the joy of loving and being loved, of living, of going to school and of finding a welcoming family home to share with many brothers and sisters: a home where laughter bursts forth, where the elders look after the youngest and where each one contributes according to his or her strength to the daily tasks.

- Rwanda
- #SelfConfidence
Mens Sana
Preventing and countering PTSD
Mens Sana is a young Belgian association (2017) that makes mental health its priority.

- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- #eductationettraining
- #Occupationalintegration
- #SelfConfidence
Salésiens de Don Bosco
Do everything by love, nothing by force
The Foundation works more specifically with the Mwetu Don Bosco Centre in Mbuji Mayi, which was created in 1995.
It was originally a vocational centre with the following sections: masonry, cutting and sewing, carpentry and mechanics, a remedial education centre (literacy), a primary school, sports fields and a secondary school with 3 courses of study, including pedagogy, business management and science. A boarding school has been added to the range of services on offer.
Action from this partner

Mwetu Don Bosco School House
DiscoverOur actions
- # Occupationalintegration
The social farm
- # SelfConfidence
Citizenship year to build and be built

- # SelfConfidence

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