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Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Reconstruction of the primary school buildings

2009 à 2009
Hô Chi Minh, Vietnam


Founded in 1990, the Anh Linh School of the Heart welcomes children excluded from the public education system free of charge. The training provided enables them to catch up and reintegrate the normal education system. The school welcomes an average of 250 students per year and applies a pedagogy strongly centered on the respect of the child.

The primary school buildings were becoming overcrowded and run-down and hence needed to be rebuilt.


Children excluded from the public education system: street children and/or children in a vulnerable state , children who are more than 2 years behind in their schooling, children from vulnerable families unable to pay school fees, and children of rural migrant families.


L’intervention de la Fondation JFP a consisté en l’apport d’un appui financier pour la reconstruction d’une école, gérée par la Congrégation Notre Dame, en banlieue d’Ho Chi Minh Ville.


The new school was inaugurated in 2009 and contains three floors divided into classrooms, a library, a computer room, a sewing workshop, offices, a kitchen and dormitories.


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  • # Zelfvertrouwen

Burgerschapsjaar om te bouwen en gebouwd te worden

Vrijwillige burgerdienst
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  • # Onderwijs & opleiding

REMA Ziekenhuis & St Michael Paramedical School

Bouw en exploitatie van een referentieziekenhuis in Ruyigi
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  • # Onderwijs & opleiding


Begeleiding van Burundese universiteitsstudenten die naar Rwanda zijn gevlucht
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Anh Linh School of the heart

Reconstruction of the primary school buildings

2009 à 2009
Hô Chi Minh, Vietnam


Founded in 1990, the Anh Linh School of the Heart welcomes children excluded from the public education system free of charge. The training provided enables them to catch up and reintegrate the normal education system. The school welcomes an average of 250 students per year and applies a pedagogy strongly centered on the respect of the child.

The primary school buildings were becoming overcrowded and run-down and hence needed to be rebuilt.


Children excluded from the public education system: street children and/or children in a vulnerable state , children who are more than 2 years behind in their schooling, children from vulnerable families unable to pay school fees, and children of rural migrant families.


The JFP Foundation provided financial support for the reconstruction of a school run by the Notre Dame Congregation on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City.


The new school was inaugurated in 2009 and contains three floors divided into classrooms, a library, a computer room, a sewing workshop, offices, a kitchen and dormitories.


Zowel nationaal als internationaal willen we jongeren de best mogelijke toekomstkansen bieden.
Wij ondersteunen projecten door concrete acties op het terrein met onze partnerorganisaties.

Meer informatie over deze actie


  • # Zelfvertrouwen

Burgerschapsjaar om te bouwen en gebouwd te worden

Vrijwillige burgerdienst
Meer informatie over deze actie


  • # Onderwijs & opleiding

REMA Ziekenhuis & St Michael Paramedical School

Bouw en exploitatie van een referentieziekenhuis in Ruyigi
Meer informatie over deze actie


  • # Onderwijs & opleiding


Begeleiding van Burundese universiteitsstudenten die naar Rwanda zijn gevlucht
Al onze acties bekijken

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onze projecten?

Steun de projecten die voor u belangrijk zijn door een donatie, een legaat of door beschermheer van de Stichting te worden.


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