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Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Een gezinsleven voor elk kind

Foster care for disadvantaged children

2010 à 2013
La Plata, Argentina


Situations of inequity and inequality persist in Argentina, where 41% of children live in poor households. This can determine the development of children and teenagers especially with regard to their basic needs (education, health, etc.). Moreover, there is a large gap between the formal recognition of children’s rights and their actual implementation.
It is in this context that the Nicora couple, who founded the Fundacion Emmanuel in the 1980s, launched the initiative to share their family space with other children and teenagers who do not have the opportunity to live in a stable family environment. In agreement with their 4 children, they welcomed 7 new brothers and sisters, 2 of whom were severely disabled, hoping that their experience would be extended to other families.


The beneficiaries are children and teenagers with social disabilities, and their families.
Often, the families come from neighbouring countries (Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru) and move to the region in the hope of better working conditions. Almost all the workers work informally and have no social security coverage. Children have difficulties in learning, issues with nutrition, poor health, lack of playful activities, and are often victims of violence.


La Fundacion Emmanuel assiste quotidiennement les enfants et leurs familles dont les droits et les capacités ont été réduits en permettant non seulement leur intégration dans le tissu social, mais encore en leur donnant aussi la possibilité de se développer harmonieusement.

L’appui de la FJFP a principalement concerné le renforcement de la visibilité de la Fundacion Emmanuel dans la société argentine et sa reconnaissance comme référant dans la thématique de l’accueil en famille. La Fondation JFP a également soutenu le fonctionnement d’un espace de rencontre interculturel et de promotion du jeu comme outil de croissance et d’épanouissement de l’enfant.


– broadcasts on regional and national radio stations of the Fundacion
– the renovation of the website with the online publication of an interactive guide for parents and professionals
– the integration of the Fundacion in various social networks and participation in various national and international meetings and events
– the publication of a brochure and the development of a video aimed at donors.
– a major awareness-raising campaign was undertaken, both at the level of individuals and at the level of the State, on the issue of foster care.

A “recreational” and cultural space linked to the “Tia-Kiki” community center was created for children. This space also encourages the exchange of cultural values between different communities in the area. In this case, it was the Colonia Urquiza region, a semi-rural area with approximately 1,200 families of different origins.


M. Mom accompanying her daughter at Tia Kiki Center

I have been accompanying my daughter here for 2 years. My relationship with her has changed considerably because before, she could not stay with anyone. Now she comes here and plays with the other children, learns different things, and at home she can stay with my mother or father. She is more independent and I can go to work with peace of mind. I am very grateful to the people at the Fundacion because my daughter is happy and feels comfortable. We live in Abasato, 9 km from here, so we come by bike and when it rains we take the bus, because she wants to come despite the rain.
The existence of this kind of Center where I learn to raise my daughter in joy is very important for me.
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Abel & Julia, host family

We just want to thank the Fundacion for giving us the wonderful opportunity to host Valeria.
After visiting her for four months in the children's hospital, accompanying her in her progress and withdrawals, sharing her fight for life, we celebrated her release from hospital.
Thanks to the support of the Fundacion , Valeria joined our home and was able to enjoy a family life. It was two months full games, music, discoveries, learning, first baths, treats, medical visits, walks and lots of love!
We also had the opportunity to meet her family, which allowed us to share our stories and learn from each other.
We are happy to have given Valeria a temporary nest where we could share with her the love of our children, family and friends... until she finds her final home where she can continue to spread her love.
I hope that many other families will be able to have a similar "win-win" experience.
May God be with us always !
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