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Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Train the trainers

Dissemination of Red Pencil’s methodology

2018 à 2018


Red Pencil provides psychological support – through art therapy – to children and families around the world who are facing difficult life circumstances.
Art therapy is a unique therapeutic approach based on artistic expression (drawing, music, drama and dance) that focuses on non-verbal language to enable the expression of difficult emotions in order to improve mental and emotional health and well-being.

Art therapy reduces stress and trauma and provides a means of expression towards greater balance, autonomy and resilience.
Their approach is largely based on the training of local actors who will learn Red Pencil’s art therapy methodology for long-term use in their daily practice.


The training is aimed at 2 groups of 15 professionals that have training in psychology and work with the vulnerable population described above. They are identified by Red Pencil’s local partner, the Jiyan Foundation.


Le programme “Train the trainer” apporter une formation solide en art thérapie à ces professionnels de la santé qui parlent la langue de ces enfants et de ces familles.  Ce training leur apporte un outil indispensable dans leur accompagnement thérapeutique à l’égard de ces victimes, mais est également un outil de soin personnel pour ces professionnels qui eux aussi subissent un traumatisme au contact quotidien de ces enfants et de ces adultes profondément affectés par les conflits de guerre qui les entourent.

Le plan de formation se divise en deux phases :

Phase I : élaboration d’un document écrit, axé sur la formation des participants à l’intégration des arts en tant qu’outil pour enrichir leur pratique professionnelle de thérapeute.

Phase II : mise en œuvre et évaluation du matériel de formation développé dans la phase I à travers deux missions différentes.


The Arts Therapy Manual for working with trauma in humanitarian and refugee settings or “Train the Trainer Manual” is available since January 2019.
Written by Catherine Rogers Jonsson, an art therapist specially recruited by Red Pencil for this purpose, this manual is a tool for promoting and disseminating Red Pencil’s intervention methodology.
The manual first describes the impact of trauma at the neurological level. Then, the main chapters describes the art therapeutic process in trauma, the typical structure of a session and the special challenges and considerations to be taken into account. A list of creative guidelines is also provided.
Some recommendations are given on how the art therapist can adapt to the context of the assignment and understand the cultural implications.
Finally, the authors describe the importance of supervision for art therapists working with traumatised individuals.


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