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Foundation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Institutional support for M’Lop Tapang

Holistic support for vulnerable children in Sihanoukville

2018 till 2021
Sihanoukville, Cambodia


M’Lop Tapang operates in Sihanoukville, a city of around 212,000 inhabitants, more than half of whom are under 18. It is estimated that 21.4% of the population lives in poverty, leading to a large number of children living and working on the streets.

And this situation has worsened dramatically since 2017, with the massive arrival of 300 Chinese companies and 90,000 Chinese nationals, … all leading to a terrible rise in the number of children put to work and dropping out of school, the number of cases of human trafficking, the cost of housing (+ 400%) making it inaccessible to a large number of Cambodian families forced to leave the city, …


Vulnerable children and young people aged 0 to 24, and their communities.


Through the EPIC Foundation, FJFP provided comprehensive support to M’Lop Tapang, for the implementation of all its programs:

1. Awareness: first contact with children in need;
2. Child protection: prevention, lobbying, support for victims, reconstruction and reintegration;
3. Medical services: free care in its medical clinic and in communities during medical awareness tours;
4. Education: the educational program helps children and young people who have never been to school to catch up;
5. Vocational training: helps young people aged 15 and over to find decent work that will enable them to lead a dignified life;
6. Social entrepreneurship strategy through a restaurant run by MLT, a motor repair workshop and two stores selling handicrafts.


Over 5,738 children and young people have benefited from M’Lop Tapang’s support, as have 2,616 families:

34 abused children accompanied and supported; 49 disabled children accompanied through the “Special needs program”; 1999 families supported on a regular basis; 16 families supported in IGAs, to improve their economic resources; 538 children enrolled in the MLT educational center; 107 young people in vocational training; 22,404 acts of medical care provided; 144 drug users accompanied; 825 children participating in sports activities.

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