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Foundation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Medical Libraries

Publishing health manuals and building medical libraries for bush nurses

2012 till 2020
Democratic Republic of the Congo


In the DRC, one in 100 childbirths is fatal. The situation is even more complicated in rural areas.
In addition, the nursing schools in the DRC (420) generally have very little resources and very limited access to training manuals.
In order to improve this situation, the Center for Health Promotion – Kangu has produced a series of manuals over the past 50 years, aimed at providing nurses and midwives with a more appropriate training for the problems associated with childbirth and maternity in rural areas.


Nursing schools in rural areas.


Ce projet consiste à appuyer la constitution de bibliothèques médicales et à rééditer un manuel pratique, intitulé « Maternité et santé », afin de pallier à la carence en supports de formations pour les agents de santé (infirmier(e)s, sages-femmes) et à outiller le personnel médical de terrain, particulièrement dans les régions isolées du pays. La bibliothèque, composée d’environ 70 ouvrages médicaux, est destinée à équiper les écoles médicales et le personnel de santé au niveau du pays tout entier, sachant que c’est dans les zones rurales isolées qu’elle présente le plus d’utilité.


* Equipping 68 Technical Medical Institutes in the Kasai, Kivu and Gemena regions with medical libraries;

* Supply of 5,000 copies of the “Maternity and Health – Obstetrical Concepts” manual, as well as its distribution. The book addresses the various issues related to childbirth and its possible complications in a technical, detailed and practical manner.



One night I was on duty at the Kangu Maternity Ward when I saw a baby's arm coming out of the vagina. I was really distraught. Our professor of obstetrics, Dr André, had explained to us that after the arm, the head and the trunk should come out at the same time, which is impossible. If we didn't intervene immediately, the result was always the death of the child and a few hours later the death of the mother. I knew that there was a technique that Dr André had explained to us. I quickly went to review the book "Maternity and Health". Fortunately I found this manual on the spot. I reread the description of the manoeuvre. I had to use my hand to push back the arm and look for a foot, then I had to remove this foot from the baby, then the first leg, then the second leg and finally take the child out by the breech. Which I did and I was lucky enough to see the child alive ! I was really panicked because I had never done this.
Read the full testimony

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