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Foundation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy

2015 till 2016
Chisamba, Zambia


Cerebral palsy is a condition that affects many Zambian children. Local beliefs attribute it to “a punishment for something bad that was done by the child’s family”.

Fear of judgement, ignorance and lack of information do not allow communities to respond appropriately. In addition, there are currently no specialised treatment centers for cerebral palyst in Zambia. As a result, these children too often die from lack of care and attention.


First, children who suffer from a lack of oxygen at birth, which causes their paralysis. Second, their mothers who are often alone to deal with the difficulties of caring-taking.


Créer, en Zambie, le premier Centre de réhabilitation spécialisé pour enfants atteints de paralysie cérébrale et de handicap moteur afin de leur offrir un environnement qui leur permette de vivre plus dignement leur handicap, de façon autonome autant que possible et en étroite relation avec d'autres personnes. Il vise également à accompagner le désarroi des mères et à créer une synergie entre les familles atteintes, pour récupérer les énergies au profit des enfants.


The support of the JFP Foundation partly allowed construction work on the reception center and, as a result, the long-awaited opening of a physiotherapy room, an essential space for the beneficiaries.

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