Every year, more and more unaccompanied foreign minors arrive in Belgium. Many of them find themselves in extremely precarious situations, with very little support. However, the traditional reception systems for young people in exile, which are often very institutional and procedural, are insufficient to grasp all the problems in which these young adults find themselves and are therefore too often harmful to their development.
Civil society counteracts this situation by developing constructive reception initiatives.

Young adults that have been exiled and who have dropped out of or broken away from the traditional reception programme.
The Relais project aims to take care of unaccompanied foreign minors who have difficulty adapting to traditional support structures. A reception center is made available to these young people adults, offering them accommodation as well as legal, psychological and social support. Support for schooling is also offered.
The Relais center shelters these young adults for the time they need to define their personal project and to put it into practice.
The support of the JP Foundation enabled the renovation of the kitchen and showers of the reception center. This made the center a more welcoming place.
Our actions
- # Occupationalintegration
The social farm
- # SelfConfidence
Citizenship year to build and be built

- # SelfConfidence

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