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Foundation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Education, Rehabilitation, Training and Fitting cerebral palsy

Innovative community-based rehabilitation programme

2015 till 2018
Thiès, Guédiawaye, Twaouane et Pout, Senegal


In Senegal, beliefs regarding disability are still strongly regulated by traditional ideas conveyed by marabouts. Disability is explained as a punishment for a great sin committed by the family or the ancestors, or because the disabled person is possessed by evil spirits and other demons. The disabled person and his or her family are therefore strongly stigmatised and discriminated against.

The SERFA IMC project responds to three main issues (1) there are almost no quality neuro-pediatric rehabilitation services available in Senegal, (2) there is a lack of training for paramedical professionals and (3) there are no local technical aids, essential to the needs of cerebral palsy children.


Approximately 200 children (0-12 years old) with cerebral palsy and their families.

Among disabled children, children with cerebral palsy suffer strongly from marginalisation due to psychomotricity disorders that limit or delay social learning (sensory, language and motor disorders, etc.). They lose their autonomy and find themselves in a situation of total dependency which removes them from the possibility of satisfying their own needs (feeding, dressing, moving, speaking, etc.).


Le projet SERFA IMC est un programme innovant de rééducation à base communautaire qui, à travers l’offre d’accès aux soins spécifiques nécessaires, le développement d’activités de sensibilisation des familles et de la communauté, et les opportunités de formation professionnelle qu’il propose, entend développer une approche de prévention du handicap et de rééducation précoce de l’enfant. Le développement de l’indépendance et de l’autonomie des enfants paralysés cérébraux, ainsi que leur intégration sociale au sein de la société sénégalaise, sont les objectifs poursuivis par le projet.


In July 2016, 2 large modular standing and sitting stations, 2 large modular chairs, 3 small modular chairs, 8 walking training frames and 1 small standing station were produced.

The Foundation’s support has also enabled several orthopaedic follow-up and training missions to strengthen the skills of local partners, help produce adapted materials and train parents and staff in correctly using the materials, etc.

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