Mother & Child Protection Center
Improving the nutritional state of young children
The villagers of Bu – Plateau des Bateke suffer from the lack of water, electricity and sanitation facilities. Families do not have sufficient means of subsistence and employment opportunities are non-existent. Women are mostly abandoned by their husbands, who are frequently on the move as part of their charcoal production activities.
A significant number of children and mothers are undernourished and in an alarming health state.

Mothers and their young children aged from 0 to 3 years old.
Amélioration de la situation nutritionnelle de très jeunes enfants de 0 à 3 ans dans le village de Bu, Plateau des Batekes en RDC
2011: temporary nutrition center in an existing maternity ward, which was completely refurbished. Approximately 65 severely malnourished children were cared for (fed three times a week, including with locally produced maize meal), and recieved medical examination, vitamins and free care. The weakest mothers were also fed and received nutrition and hygiene advice twice a month.
2012: infants consultations and regular home visits, distribution of balanced meals to sick children, purchase of medicines (with free medical care), awareness-raising for women on hygiene, dietetics, family planning, etc.
2013: construction of a kitchen, a covered cafeteria, and related equipment. Construction of a small fish pond to contribute to the supply of fresh protein in the Center.
Our actions
- # Occupationalintegration
The social farm
- # SelfConfidence
Citizenship year to build and be built

- # SelfConfidence

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