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Foundation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Support for girls victims of sexual violence

Well-being of girls who have been victims of sexual violence

2022 till Today
Iles de Panay et de Negros, Philippines


The Philippines is one of the ten countries most affected by the sexual exploitation of women and children, including through cybercrime.

In the Philippines, crimes such as rape are considered a sensitive and taboo issue. Due to this cultural and social stigma, victims – often women or young children – are forced to remain silent and not report the crimes committed against them. Unfortunately, it is often the victims, not the perpetrators, who are singled out and rejected by their communities. This creates a sense of shame for the victim and further encourages a culture of silence.

An estimated 20% of Filipino children are victims of sexual violence and 70% of these are girls. Only 3% of them receive support in care facilities. The impact on the health and socio-emotional development of child victims is dramatic if they are not treated and cared for quickly.


80 sexually abused girls from different provinces in Western Visayas;
77 young girls who were victims of sexual violence reintegrated into their community;
315 young girls and boys in precarious situations and from economically vulnerable backgrounds.


The JFP Foundation is involved in the project to improve the well-being, economic and social situation of girls who are victims of sexual violence and disadvantaged young adults through education and employment.
Concretely, the action aims to ensure good care of girls who are victims of sexual violence, to improve their well-being, reduce their trauma, and to promote their autonomy and emancipation through, among other things, access to quality education.


The partnership with Cameleon started in November 2022; there are no results to report yet.


M., beneficiary of the Education and Development programme

"A home is not always a structure, sometimes it's people who make you feel safe and give you all their support. I was in class 1 when I became a CAMELEON beneficiary.
The financial support I received was essential for my studies, and the various development training courses I attended helped me to become an agent of change in my community."
Read the full testimony

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Whether on a national or international level, we want to offer young people the best possible opportunities for the future. We support projects through concrete action on the ground thanks to our partner organisations
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