Le Petit Vélo Jaune offers free, regular, local support to parents in precarious, fragile and/or isolated situations. This type of situation is a source of multiple difficulties in managing the daily life of families. Parents feel helpless and/or worried about the birth of their child or their role as parents. Many families and children are at risk and the establishment of support structures has become more necessary than ever.
Le Petit Vélo Jaune acts preventively and offers these families a comprehensive support service in their living environment. The aim is to highlight their strengths and educational skills, to reinforce their parental desire and to support or stimulate their efforts. This is achieved through regular support for parents by a trained volunteer.

Families with at least one child under the age of 3 are at the heart of the Petit Vélo Jaune’s support.
They are often single-parent families or pregnant women in a isolated and vulnerable situation.
Their new project, supported by the JFP Foundation, aims to share this vision, share methodology and practices, and thus to see the emergence of new “cousin” structures to the Petit Vélo Jaune in Brussels or outside.
The concept of solidarity is a complex and subtle mechanism that requires know-how. Over the years and through experience in the field, the Petit Vélo Jaune has developed a precise and structured methodology that it has decided to share so that other similar initiatives can draw inspiration from it and build their own projects.
The dream is that this methodology will become a recognised model that can grow for the well-being of more families.
Two new “cousins” were launched in 2021: Tout un village in Ottignies and Chemin’on in Charleroi.
In September 2022, two new structures joined the adventure: Stapsteen vzw, a Dutch-speaking non-profit organisation in Brussels, and La tribu des familles in Tournai.
Our actions
- # Occupationalintegration
The social farm
- # SelfConfidence
Citizenship year to build and be built

- # SelfConfidence

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