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Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Improvement of schooling conditions

2018 à 2020
Bossemptele - Baoro, République centrafricaine


In the Central African Republic, conflicts between armed groups for the control of resources and territories have been increasing since 2013. Massive and targeted exractions against the civilian population have caused thousands of victims and injuries and have intensified in 2017, reaching levels of extreme violence.
According to UNICEF, in 2015-2016, there was an average of one teacher for every 83 students. It is estimated that one in four school-age children do not attend school. More than half of the teaching force is made up of unqualified community-funded ‘parent teachers’. Classes are held in sheds and straw huts and only one third of primary schools meet the required standard. In addition, more than a third of the existing schools in the country have been victims of attacks, looting or destruction. The situation of disabled children is particularly worrying: left to their own devices, with incessant mockery, they often only move around on the ground and rarely have access to school.
Two Catholic schools (Bossemptélé and Baoro) provide an exceptional educational service to the population by taking in a large number of children and paying particular attention to the education of children with disabilities.


1,134 students – including 24 disabled students – and 26 teachers from the two Carmelite Sisters schools.


Par différents axes d’intervention complémentaires, le but du projet est d’améliorer les conditions d’éducation des enfants dans les 2 écoles à travers :
(1) l’amélioration de l’équipement des écoles ;
(2) l’amélioration des fournitures scolaires de chaque enfant ;
(3) l’amélioration de l’état nutritionnel des élèves ;
(4) l’amélioration de la situation des élèves handicapés ; et
(5) la stabilisation du corps professoral.


The support of the JP Foundation has allowed:
For the 2017-2018 school year: the purchase of 140 bench-tables; the purchase of 1,150 books, one for each student (instead of 1 book for 10 students as previously practiced); the preparation of a daily meal for each child; the payment of bonuses for 26 teachers; the repair and manufacture of various games; the provision of 24 tricycles for the school’s disabled students.
For the 2018-2019-2020 school year: the provision of a daily meal for all 1272 school children; the provision of tricycles for 34 children and young adults with motor disabilities; a motivation bonus to 26 teachers at the end of the 2018/2019 school year.

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