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Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Popular education

2011 à 2016
Puerto Piray / Province de Misiones, Argentine


The city of Puerto Piray, located in the Argentine province of Misiones, is a migrant city located on the « three borders » of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. This implies problems of sexual exploitation, drug sales and various types of trafficking (weapons, people, etc.). The immigrant population is vulnerable and lacks access to basic state services (food, health and education). Unstable sources of work and extreme poverty lead to mothers being unable to meet the needs of their children.
In this context, this socio-educational project offers education that strengthens the children’s links with family, community, and raises their awareness of hygiene and nutrition in a playful way.


750 children at social risk, aged between 6 and 12, participate in the centers’ activities. They are accompanied by 20 young educators, aged 12 to 17, who receive a scholarship to continue their studies. Finally, 500 families in a situation of social risk are supported by professionals (specialised educator, 2 psychologists, a doctor and a paediatrician).


Le projet “Enfants Sains et Heureux ” est mis en œuvre par les Sœurs de San José de Cuneo à travers 6 centres d’éducation populaire de la commune de Puerto Piray. Il consiste à mettre en place des actions durables d’éducation populaire « intégrale » : actions qui visent la prévention de l’abandon scolaire, la prévention de situation de rue, la prévention de la violence, des abus et de l’exploitation sexuelle des enfants.
Le concept du projet repose sur une adaptation aux besoins de la communauté et à ses caractéristiques socioculturelles. Les enfants, les jeunes éducateurs et les familles y sont les protagonistes directs, afin de favoriser la participation et une citoyenneté active. Les enfants, les familles et les communautés deviennent eux-mêmes les acteurs de leur changement personnel et social.

Dans les centres d’éducation populaire, les activités proposées consistent d’abord à travailler le thème de l’éducation (soutien scolaire, sensibilisation sur les droits des enfants, activités ludiques, artistiques et culturelles). Ensuite, des ateliers de sécurité alimentaire sont mis en œuvre afin de promouvoir une alimentation saine et de meilleures habitudes alimentaires dans les familles en situation de risque. Enfin, des activités communautaires sont développées pour favoriser une citoyenneté active et la cohésion sociale dans les quartiers d’intervention. Ces actions permettent de renforcer l’estime des enfants et d’encourager leur développement intégral.


The project achieved the following results :
– The recognition of the centers as an important and significant institution for the communities of Puerto Piray. The centers are thus helping towards empowerment and constitutes a real protective environment for children and adolescents. 7 50 children and 22 young mothers benefit from the project and its activities
– a manual capitalising on the experience in Puerto Piray, entitled « Popular Education and Resilience » was published and has been distributed by BICE since 2017. It allows the methodology to be disseminated to other projects in other regions of the world.


Adriana, Pedagogical Coordinator

The educators are strongly committed; they feel accompanied in their own processes of study and development as people, within a difficult reality. Being part of the same community of children and families they support, they become life testimonies for the children, showing that a different future is possible in accordance with individual development and the opportunity they have.
The project tries to address serious and diverse problems through popular and integral education. It is important to continue to work with young people so that they can be actors of change, help their community, as well as study and train. The project sometimes provides immediate solutions, but above all it tries to create a sustainable structure that will improve the situation of disadvantaged children and families in the long term. We are convinced that by offering education to the neglected population, we are not only helping a few people, but are giving the necessary basis for poor children and families to become the actors of social change.
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Julio, Young participant in one of the popular education Center

I am very happy to participate in the activities of the center because I better understand myself and learn from my companions. The educator is very kind, I like her very much and I haven’t missed any of the workshops. I also understand that there are many people who live very far from here, but who care about our education! I am happy about this and I thank them all.
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