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Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Tremplin & Jump

Everyone has a unique potential that needs to be discovered and realised

2021 à 2024
Bruxelles et Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique


The digital revolution, the challenges of the ecological transition and the emphasis on personal fulfilment have profoundly transformed the process of career guidance and the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Today, we can see 3 growing difficulties for young adults:

A crisis of the « I »: What do I want?

A crisis of choice: What will I do?

A crisis of meaning: Why am I going to do it?

Through two specific programmes , IFF Europe intends to help young adults find these answers.


In 2021, 12 young adults followed the Tremplin course and 8 the Jump course.
Following these courses, almost all of these 20 young adults have taken up a new project, course or job that resembles them. Most say they have gotten closer to what they want to achieve in live.


Maximilien, Jump training

IFF Europe is a wonderful life lesson that helps us reflect, analyse, open up and approach the professional world with confidence, strength and conviction.
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Félicie, Tremplin training

I was lucky enough to take part in the "Tremplin" course a year and a half ago.
Beyond the search for our choice of future or professional orientation, which we all go through, this course has given me a lot of tools and clarifications about who I am and who I want to become.
Tremplin is first and foremost a human adventure.
Before starting this course, I felt really lost in my professional choices, but also in relation to the person I was.
I had done a year of psychology, which I loved, but I felt that something was missing, that it wasn't for me and that I needed to focus on myself first.
I arrived in this small, cosy house in Louvain-la-Neuve and I immediately felt that I was exactly where I was supposed to be.
We started talking to each other, we all came with more or less different questions but above all with a common goal: to (re)find ourselves! And personally to clear up a lot of questions and uncertainties. (...)
From the first week, I felt such a strong bond with this group.
It was a bond of unconditional support, of caring and above all of non-judgment.
This group strength is what really helped me to move forward and not doubt myself and where I was.
Learning so many things every day with different trainers, whether it was theatre, art, dance, workshops of all sorts (on our relationships, on our defence mechanisms, on sexual and emotional education, on our resources...) or even debates and moments of reflection, was exactly what I needed.
The fact that it was so diverse and open to all horizons was so rich for me and gave me this feeling of freedom. (...)
This was the beginning of a magnificent reconstruction, the beginning of my path of acceptance and love for who I am.
I realised that, contrary to what I thought, I was full of resources.
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Nos actions

Que ce soit sur le plan national ou international, nous voulons offrir les meilleures chances d’avenir pour les jeunes.
Nous soutenons les projets par le biais d’actions concrètes sur le terrain grâce à nos organisations partenaires.

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RD du Congo

  • # ConfianceEnSoi
  • # EducationEtFormation
  • # InsertionProfessionnelle


Appui communautaire à la réinsertion socioéconomique de jeunes filles et leur fratrie dans l’est de la RDC.
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  • # ConfianceEnSoi
  • # EducationEtFormation


Motiver de jeunes adolescents à s’engager dans la vie avec une image positive
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RD du Congo

  • # ConfianceEnSoi
  • # EducationEtFormation

Dream – Believe – Achieve

Une éducation d’excellence pour les enfants du Nord-Kivu.
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