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Fondation Jean-François Peterbroeck
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Parrainage des élèves de la Fondation Al-Kafaàt

Education of marginalised children and their integration into society

2021 à 2024
Beyrouth, Liban


Since 2021, Lebanon is facing a catastrophic financial crisis, which is mostly the result of 30 years of political corruption. The country is sinking into total uncertainty.
With an unemployment rate exceeding 40% (FAO, 2021), a poverty rate approaching 60% (UNESCWA, 2021) and the Lebanese Pound losing its value (devalued to 90%, June 2021), the 1,800 students of the Al-Kafaàt Foundation schools from vulnerable financial situations are forced to abandon their education.


Al Kafaàt trains more than 1,750 children and young adults every year.
They are mainly from families living below the poverty line.


Ensure the continuity of the education offered by Al Kafaàt training centers, and their accessibility to the most disadvantaged.


For the year 2021-2022, the Technical Institute (sectors of printing, electronics, sales and commercial relations, accounting, mechanics, advertising, interior decoration, and hotel management) has a 100% success rate in all its courses, in the Professional Certificate and Technical Baccalaureate !

Nos actions

Que ce soit sur le plan national ou international, nous voulons offrir les meilleures chances d’avenir pour les jeunes.
Nous soutenons les projets par le biais d’actions concrètes sur le terrain grâce à nos organisations partenaires.

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RD du Congo

  • # ConfianceEnSoi
  • # EducationEtFormation
  • # InsertionProfessionnelle


Appui communautaire à la réinsertion socioéconomique de jeunes filles et leur fratrie dans l’est de la RDC.
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  • # ConfianceEnSoi
  • # EducationEtFormation


Motiver de jeunes adolescents à s’engager dans la vie avec une image positive
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RD du Congo

  • # ConfianceEnSoi
  • # EducationEtFormation

Dream – Believe – Achieve

Une éducation d’excellence pour les enfants du Nord-Kivu.
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